Barnstaple Bus Station has had no toilet facilities and a closed café for the last four years.
As the central transport hub for North Devon with a huge footfall this is totally unacceptable. Post Covid a vast amount of time, effort and energy has been spent to get our local services back up and running including the Government’s ‘get around for £2’ scheme to encourage people to get back on the buses.
Locally, this has not been helped by the continued lack of facilities at Barnstaple Bus Station. Its condition adds to the feeling of Barnstaple being unloved and unkempt, despite Government investment from the Future High Streets Fund and the good work done by local volunteers, voluntary groups, and Barnstaple Town Council's investment into Town Rangers.
It has been nearly two years since I raised the Bus Station closure, the site costs North Devon Council around £20,000 every year even though Barnstaple Town Council and others have expressed an interest in taking the facility on.
Barnstaple and everyone wanting to visit Barnstaple deserves better, we have seen more action from voluntary community groups to drive progress, the ongoing delay is inexplicable.
As someone who may use the buses into Barnstaple Bus Station, or just care about the overall state of Barnstaple, please do fill in this survey to join the campaign to put pressure on North Devon Council’s political leadership to act rapidly. There appears to be some welcome progress on the Bus Station Toilets and the cafe, if only they had paid more attention years ago when I first raised it.