I get a lot of enquires regarding planning applications throughout the constituency, and often get asked to intervene or involve myself with specific applications.
As a Member of Parliament I have no say over individual planning applications which are determined by North Devon District Council in their quasi-judicial capacity as the Local Planning Authority.
My advice would be to contact your local Parish Council or District Councillor and ensure that they know your feelings on any application but also you can write to the Planning Authority directly.
I am always glad to hear from constituents regarding their concerns, however unfortunately there is little I can do to assist when it comes to planning.
More information on Planning and Building Control on the North Devon District Council website: https://www.northdevon.gov.uk/planning-and-building-control/.
Contact information for all District Councillors can be found here: https://democracy.northdevon.gov.uk/mgMemberIndex.aspx?bcr=1
If you are a constituent of Instow District, please email me on my councillor email address: selaine.saxby@northdevon.gov.uk